Welcome To The 41st GOP
41st District Area
Washington’s 41st Legislative District is one of forty-nine districts in Washington state for representation in the state legislature. The district includes all of Mercer Island, Newcastle, Beaux Arts, with portions of Bellevue, Issaquah, and Sammamish.
We are the 41st LD Precinct Committee Officers and activists working to elect candidates who promote policies that benefit our community and make them more livable, safer, more prosperous and affordable for individuals, families and businesses.
We believe grassroots activities help us have a direct impact in our neighborhoods, towns and cities and by volunteering to clean up parks, register people to vote, gather signatures on initiatives, attend city council and school board meetings, canvass for common sense candidates and inform citizens of legislation that effects their abilities to thrive, we are helping others get involved in self governance and fostering transparency and enabling voters to make informed choices.
Meet The Team
41st Leadership Team
Emily Tadlock, Chair
Bo Woronowicz, Co-Vice Chair
Pamela Randolph, Co-Vice Chair
Open, Treasurer
Open, Secretary
Bradley Corner, Voter Fulfillment Director
Joanna Sheppard, Campaign Mgmt
Open, Communication Director
Michael Appleby, Candidate Coach
Rick Davis and Dana Rand, Endorsement Committee
Monthly Meetings and Upcoming Elections
NEXT PCO MEETING will be Thursday September 19, 2024 at 7:00 pm at Bellevue City Hall. Please email us at 41stgop@gmail.com if you would like to present to the group.
Please follow us on facebook to find out more about our meetings and upcoming events:
WSRP Party Platform
Legislative Action
& Boards and Commission Openings
Contact Your Representatives:
To look up the bills and register a pro/con go to: https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/
(You can also read the text, provide comment and see where bills are in the process at this link)
Several organizations provide summaries of bills currently being passed through the legislature. Below is a list of links you can visit to find out more about these bills and how to submit comments to your representatives:
Washington State Republican Party Olympia Watch has good site that gives you a list of good bills and bad bill and a provides a link where you can view bill and submit a comment for or against a bill; Scroll to bottom of page for BAD BILLS GOOD BILLS header https://wsrp.org/olympia-watch/
Citizens Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) allows you to sign up to receive
notifications on important bills and offers a legislative tracking services which reports on the bills related to or potentially affecting property rights and rates them with color coding.You can sign up for notifications here: https://www.proprights.org/Vote/bill_email_list.php
Conservative Ladies of Washington The links in the CLW emails take you directly to the bills where you enter your information (once you do that, in the future it pre-fills you information the next time). Sign up for CLW emails. https://conservativeladiesofwa.com/legislative-action-center/
Board and Commission Openings in the 41st LD
BELLEVUE - The City Council is seeking candidates for vacancies on the Human Services Commission. . For more information on this vacancy and other openings to serve go to this link: https://bellevuewa.gov/city-government/departments/city-clerks-office/boards-and-commissions/board-and-commission-vacancies
People who do not want to apply online can pick up applications from the City Clerk’s Office or Service First at City Hall, as well as any of the Bellevue Regional Libraries or Mini City Hall. A faxed copy may be requested by calling 425-452-6806. Applications may be submitted by any of the options below:
Hand-delivered: City Clerk’s Office, 450 110th Ave. NE
Mail: to P.O. Box 90012, Bellevue, WA, 98009-9012
Email: kroberts@bellevuewa.gov
ISSAQUAH - To find openings for Boards and Commissions in Issaquah go to: https://www.issaquahwa.gov/315/Boards-Commissions
MERCER ISLAND - To find opening for Boards and Commission in Mercer Island go to: https://www.mercerisland.gov/bc
NEWCASTLE - To find openings for Boards and Commissions in Newcastle go to: https://www.newcastlewa.gov/city_hall/commissions
SAMMAMISH - To find openings for Boards and Commissions in Sammamish go to:https://www.sammamish.us/government/commissions
Upcoming Events
Please make sure to email 41stgop@gmail.com when you submit your form so we can spearhead it for you
Let's Get You Connected
How To Get Involved
KCGOP Vision
Learn more about King County GOP platform and the principles we stand for here: https://kcgop.org/party-platform/
Contact Us
Thank you for your interest in 41st Legislative District Republicans.
If you would like to get in touch, attend a meeting, volunteer for campaigns, or become a PCO
Please check us out over on facebook https://www.facebook.com/41strepublicans/or reach out to us via email: